Hebrew School Registration 2020
Time is TBD
|The Krupnick Family Torah Links Center
Time & Location
Time is TBD
The Krupnick Family Torah Links Center, 1092 Springdale Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, USA
Full Tuition - Early Bird
Early Bird Rate Expires July 15
$500.00Full Tuition
$550.002 Sibs Full Tuition-Early Bird
Early Bird Rate Expires July 15
$1,000.002 Siblings - Full Tuition
$1,100.00Option 2: Payment #1
Option 2 $25 discount if tuition is paid in two installments: $200 due before November 15, 2019; $175 due before January 15, 2020. Total tuition: $525.
$150.00Option 2: Payment #2
Option 2 $25 discount if tuition is paid in two installments: $200 due before November 15, 2019; $175 due before January 15, 2020. Total tuition: $525.
$200.00Option 2: Payment # 3
Option 2 $25 discount if tuition is paid in two installments: $200 due before November 15, 2019; $175 due before January 15, 2020. Total tuition: $525.
$175.00Option 3: Payment #1
Option 3 $400 balance to be paid in 4 installments: $100 due October 15, 2019, $100 due December 15, 2019, $100 due February 15, 2020, $100 due April 15, 2020.
$150.00Option 3: Payment #2
Option 3 $400 balance to be paid in 4 installments: $100 due October 15, 2019, $100 due December 15, 2019, $100 due February 15, 2020, $100 due April 15, 2020.
$100.00Option 3: Payment #3
Option 3 $400 balance to be paid in 4 installments: $100 due October 15, 2019, $100 due December 15, 2019, $100 due February 15, 2020, $100 due April 15, 2020.
$100.00Option 3: Payment #4
Option 3 $400 balance to be paid in 4 installments: $100 due October 15, 2019, $100 due December 15, 2019, $100 due February 15, 2020, $100 due April 15, 2020.
$100.00Option 3: Payment #5
Option 3 $400 balance to be paid in 4 installments: $100 due October 15, 2019, $100 due December 15, 2019, $100 due February 15, 2020, $100 due April 15, 2020.
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